As another early month of 2018 comes to a close, a challenging one for one reason or another, I sit typing in anticipation of the longer and warmer days and the freedom they bring. Settling down post MA is difficult and the need to give more time to my creativity is strong. Keeping everyday activities that enable the necessities in life (like a roof over my head and food in the fridge!) have to continue in order for me to sustain my practice. The progression of practice fits around the everyday grasping moments in order to concentrate on further development. The mutual support of my fellow TCL Collective helps to keep me focused and driven.
It is ironic that the 'grasping' of moments that reflect the everyday and constant barrage of 'things to do' in this digitally driven, non physical society is one of the core aspects I challenge through my work. The lack of physical connection and our insatiable reliance on digital communication pushes us evermore into a transient and fast paced existence. More than ever society appears to becoming immune to the real; real emotion, real palpable expression and the experience of 'real' life; the good as well as the bad. Nothing is perfect the reality is sometimes not always nice but we as human beings have to experience the good against the bad to become healthy in our existence. We pass through briefly with great ease but never really stop to take time and listen to each other and ourselves. Such fickleness and irresponsibility exists that I wonder how honesty and truth will ever survive. 'We created the machine, to do our will, but we cannot make it do our will now. It has robbed us of the sense of space and of the sense of touch, it has blurred every human relation and narrowed down love to a carnal act, it has paralysed our bodies and our wills and now it compels us to worship it.' E M Forster, 'The Machine Stops' 1928 Through my work and connection with the ephemeral and harnessing of elemental process it is hoped I can visualize how nature at least, remains honest and true. The Ice Sculpture project goes from strength to strength with a recent focus on shorter freezing times and the recording of their melt through time lapse video. I have had some really positive results with excellent feedback and plan to continue exploring this process further to collate a bank of videos (see Vimeo feed on Home page) that could possibly be exhibited. I will be exhibiting as part of the 'Curators Choice' back at Leeds Arts University in April where live ice sculptures will be exhibited alongside time-lapse video and various other works.