I am sure society is not aware of how close we are to the concept of the Cyborg creation immortalized by Star Trek The Next Generation. As a species the Cyborg force other species into assimilation to become part of their collective to form a hive mind of drones that think as one; everyone is the same and no one has 'a mind of their own'
The development of technology is taking us ever further nearer this phenomena. Recent technology researchers in this field have developed computer circuit boards that attach to the skin which connect to your phone via Bluetooth. The gold 'tattoo' allows the wearer to swipe and touch it in order to communicate with your phone. It also Uses NFC- near field communication, which transfers information with the tap of a device. This device rests on the skin but by being aptly called a 'Tattoo' how long before this type of device is actually tattooed' into' our skin/body???? Being 'plugged' in to a hive/source is being played out in our every day; we connect our phones and tablets via USB cables into vehicles to charge them up. We are physically connected to these not letting them out of our sight (literally) and grasp. It is unnerving the vision of individuals hooked up to a device in one given space! 'RESISTANCE IS FUTILE'
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